A Weirdo’s Book Review: Finding May by Jennifer Moorman
A Weirdo’s Book Review: Finding May by Jennifer Moorman

A Weirdo’s Book Review: Finding May by Jennifer Moorman

Finding May by Jennifer Moorman

How does one leave a review on a book that spoke to them on a deep level? I cried, I smiled, I had butterflies fluttering about in my stomach, but I can’t seem to come up with the proper words to express my adoration for this book.

I guess the best way to describe it is sitting down to watch a heartwarming film. It has a beautiful small town, Mystic Waters, it has a cheerful protagonist, May MacAdams, and it has a handsome small town doctor, Oliver Bisset. But it’s more than that. It has a life of its own. In true magical realism fashion, May, has a special ability of cheering people up-being the bright light in their moment of darkness. And when the handsome doctor takes a liking to her, poor May has a hard time not wanting to help. This leads to her making a promise that she hasn’t broken in 30 years. But, she has to make the decision to break it for her first love.

The setting, the characters, everything in this book will (hopefully) hit you right in the heart. Jennifer takes the time to place you in the scene with her descriptions, and right into the minds of the characters with her heart felt words. There will be moments where you might cry, but there are moments of pure sunshine, as well. It reminds you to always be hopeful, that the sun will always rise. Truly, a heart felt book that will make you want to visit Mystic Waters!

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